Leprechaun body

This body is colour changeable – however please note that the belt clip and suspenders do not change colour. The original comes from charmheart – she did an indexed version as well but they are indexed differently



SO. The hair itself is an edit of the ponytail extension I did (I took off the ponytail part). The body is an edit of Brielle’s work.

OKAY so here’s the deal. IK it isn’t perfect ok but if you look at the blending I did compared to without, there’s a noticeable difference. Look- The left side has without blending, the right side has it. If you open the picture and look u can see the difference.


That said, idk how popular they’ll be so I only did two for now. If you guys like them I’ll do more (they’re more work because I have to do the ombre on each individually, whereas I usually just do one and recolour it a few times)  But to make up for only doing two I made them blink :3

ombrebrbl ombrerb brown21 black21





something I’m working on a bit –

So ombre is a thing now I guess, so I’m trying to incorporate it into Era a bit

The whole deal with ombre being attractive is that it transitions into a different colour softly, instead of changing from one colour to another in like a line. If it’s all at once then that shit be lookin like dip dye.

SO. Instead of just using black extensions and changing the tips of a hair with a different colour, I’m trying to do some blending. Here’s  a preview – you can save it and open it if you wanna see that the colours change into each other a bit more softly.


STILL WORKING ON IT, might try to make the change a bit softer so be nice***


fixed ponytail bodies

ponyexbl111 ponyexbr1 ponyexre1 ponyexsi1 ponyexbla1

thanks to Root and Zala for letting me know the bodies weren’t working – one of the colours on the extensions had an opacity error and I think I fixed it. If there’s still an issue let me know, but I uploaded the blonde one to myself and it was fine. Creds to Lucy and set trans, they’re cc. The matching heads can be found on the heads with extensions page


colour changeable girl body

no wordpress I spelled colour right I’m Canadian damnit

credits to Xavier from cmxgfx, all I did was make it cc

set transparency


oh yeah and if you’re looking for some new tunes –

Turn The Page // Metallica, Jumped Right In // Dallas Smith, Wait for Me // Theory of a Deadman, Stay // Black Stone Cherry

Streak 1/2 Extensions

Recolours/tiny edit of Kelsi’s lovely extension work, which you can find the URL for on the other sites page 🙂 Go visit

Set transparency on the bodies, they change colour. Creds to Brielle for the body

lovely2 lovely3 lovely4  lovely22 lovely33 lovely44